Ministering to people with disabilities

Gateway Church’s Sunday Morning Service had a groundbreaking conversation about how to care for and minister to people and their families affected by disabilities. Justin shared some thoughts, and it was a powerful service that emphasised the need for everyone...


What a Waste! The desolation of war as a child stands before a site that has been bombedHave you ever felt like this, pouring your heart and soul into a project or something you considered meaningful only to have it taken down the minute you left? Or your boss calls a...


I have felt keenly this year how far I am from some of my family members. We moved five hours away from our home to settle our son into his new life, and he has settled in very well, but it is so far from our other two children and our new grandson. Having grown up on...


A poem based on the story of Joesph in Genesis 39 Joesph longed to escape, from toil, jail, and endless betrayal. Seemingly bleak, tangled, and excessively intricate, trapped like a rat spinning around chasing its tail feeling quite frail. Could he escape when...


Leave some space, and do not replace. Only Jesus Christ can mend what’s torn; true solace is born in His embrace.Leave some space, and do not replace with busy days and empty praise. As tempting as it is to pull away, create the space for LOVE to sustain. Feel...


It only takes a moment to open the door and let His light pour in.It only takes a moment to say yes, Lord, I know you win.It only takes a moment to surrender dry places deep within.It only takes a moment to let God fully come in.Why did it take so long to trust you to...

Watch and see what He will do

So often, rushing into and taking control of a situation is tempting. Hastiness can block what God wants to do in any life circumstance. Over the past years, I have felt God impress these words upon my heart ‘Watch and see what I will do.’ I know what I...


Proverbs 14:17 An impulsive person has a short fuse and can ruin everything, but the wise show self-control. (TPT) Strictly speaking, there are no such things as good and bad impulses. Think…of a piano. It has not got two kinds of notes on it, the...

Rekindling my love for Music

Are you longing to reconnect with the music that once brought you joy? As I reflect on my own musical journey, I realise the impact it had on my life. Growing up surrounded by the melodious tunes my grandparents cherished, I developed an unwavering love for music....


That you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly toward those outside and that you may lack nothing. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12My husband and I aspire to have a quiet,...