I have felt keenly this year how far I am from some of my family members. We moved five hours away from our home to settle our son into his new life, and he has settled in very well, but it is so far from our other two children and our new grandson. Having grown up on the Sunshine Coast with warm currents and humid days, I love the beach. This atmosphere is what gives me my sense of place, and I have loved living near Justin in such an environment, but it is so far away from other people I love. I have been willing to travel far to settle my son and visit family and loved ones, reflecting on how far I have come.

Far is only sometimes about the physical distances traveled but how far we have come emotionally and spiritually.

How far have you come?

I look back over my life and reflect on the progress made in so many different aspects of my life.

  • Progress in healing
  • Progress in relationships
  • Progress in learning
  • Progress in travelling
  • Progress in growing in my walk with God

    How far we travel along such many and varied life roads often depends upon our willingness to surrender ourselves to a process so we can progress. It may involve working hard to move forward, taking opportunities we prefer to decline, saying yes rather than no, allowing doors to close rather than open, and receiving help when we would like to choose to do it ourselves.

    How far have you come?

    Are you willing to go even further?

    The odds might be stacked against you, but each step forward is a step in the right direction so someone can see how far you have come.

    That struggle or challenge that had you locked and bound allows others to see how you have overcome; it may encourage others to say, ‘Look how far you have come.’ Don’t give up. Chin up.

    You are a winner because in Christ Jesus, who is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come Ephesians 1:21, hope certainly overcomes!

    We can travel any distance that Christ leads us on and look back and see with Him just how far we have come.

    Until next time,


  1. You remind me of a preacher who used to say ‘I’m not yet where I want to be, but praise God, I’m not where I was!’
    Physical distance from family is so hard. Bless you.
    I think the most painful distance is where there is emotional separation of resentment and division.

  2. Your words speak truth! Thanks for sharing them with us today.


  3. This is a helpful reminder: “We can travel any distance that Christ leads us on and look back and see with Him just how far we have come.” Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love that you encourage us to not only see how far we have come, but to also ask ourselves, ‘Are you willing to go even further?’ May the Lord give us wisdom and strength to keep on going in all the challenges of life, knowing He provides all along the way.

  5. This day finds you in this place,
    but how far have you come?
    Was it descent, a fall from grace,
    from which death-wreath was hung,
    or did you rise from that morass
    and take Christ’s outstretched hand
    to kneel and then in glory rise
    unto His promised land?
    We all have come from somewhere;
    we all are passing through,
    and while we yet must breathe Earth’s air,
    we know what we must do
    to walk upon the higher road
    with sin’s dank mem’ry as our goad.


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